
Spinal Mobilization

Spinal Mobilization is a repetitive, gentler form of spinal manipulation. It is often done by hand or with a medical device called an Activator to help reduce pain, improve the spine’s range of motion, and promote the body’s natural healing process. This technique is often utilized in patients who are advanced in age or have underlying issues with the health of their bones.


Dry Needling

Dry needling involves placing thin needles into specific areas of tightened muscles or “trigger points.” Once the needles are placed into the trigger, point they are gently moved and manipulated to help improve healing, increase blood flow, and release tension in the area.


Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a hands-on treatment where muscles and soft tissues of the body are kneaded and rubbed in a therapeutic way. Massage is shown to help relieve pain, relieve stress, improve the body’s ability to move, and promote healing.


McKenzie Method

McKenzie Method is both an assessment and a treatment intended for all musculoskeletal problems.   McKenzie treatment is a form of care that empowers patients to help manage symptoms often through the means of safe, repetitive movements.  Through treatment, McKenzie Method can be used to help understand the patient’s symptoms, determine appropriate care, eliminate symptoms, and empower the patient to treat themselves independently.  


Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation is a hands-on treatment where force is applied safely to the spine to restore its healthy range of motion, reduce pain, and assist in the body’s natural healing process. Used for a variety of complaints ranging from neck pain, back pain, headaches, sciatica, and other accompanying spinal conditions. This treatment is commonly associated with not only chiropractors, but also osteopathic doctors and other medical professionals.


Therapeutic Ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound is a therapy that uses a small wand emitting ultrasound waves directly into injured muscles and ligaments in the body. It is used predominately in soft tissue injuries such as ligament sprains, muscle strains, joint inflammation, plantar fasciitis, bursitis and many other conditions. Ultrasound works by increasing blood flow, decreasing swelling and inflammation, and by massaging effected muscle tendons and ligaments.


Rehabilitative Exercises

Rehabilitative exercises are used to help the body fix improper body mechanics that are often the root to many aches and pains. These exercises include different stretches and strengthening movements that are customized to the patient based on positive findings during the evaluation. This is an important part of care that helps a patient stay out of pain long after treatment has ended. Benefits to rehabilitative exercises include core strengthening, postural correction, and gait correction.



At Wheaton Healthcare, Dr. Papuga knows what it takes to help you maintain or get back to good health with chiropractic care. You deserve it. If  you have any questions, give us a call at 630.690.4040 or schedule your appointment today.


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